The Centres operate, under the guidance of the Basel Convention Secretariat, within the framework of an Action Plan common to all Centres, approved by the Conference of the Parties and adapted to the specific needs and possibilities of the geographic regions and sub-regions covered by their activities
The core functions of the Basel centres (BCCCs and BCRCs) are;
• Training
• Technology transfer
• Information
• Consulting
• Awareness raising
In fulfilling the objectives of the Convention, BCCC-Africa, like all other Basel Convention Regional centres, has the following roles and functions:
• Ensuring interaction,including exchange of information, between the Secretariat of the Basel Convention and the Regional Centres, among the sub- regional Centres, Parties and other related institution.
• Conveying regional consultation to identify priorities and formulate strategies.
• Supporting and coordinating common tasks of the sub-regional Centres in the field of policies information,communication, technicaland financial assessment.
• Defining and executing programmes of regional scope in coordination with the sub-regional Centres.
• Identifying, promoting and strengthening the synergies and mechanisms of cooperation among the sub-regional Centres and other stakeholders in environmentally sound management and the minimization of generation of hazardous waste and technology transfer in and outside the region.
• Keeping a compilation system for information and making such information accessible to stakeholders.